November 21, 2023
What's Due For You

Pastor’s wives give, and give, and give. Oftentimes, our spirit gets weary, yet we continue to give. My advice to every pastor’s wife comes from Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in welldoing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Pastor’s wives give, and give, and give.  Oftentimes, our spirit gets weary, yet we continue to give.  My advice to every pastor’s wife comes from Galatians 6:9“And let us not be weary in welldoing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” When the physical body is worn and running on empty, a person just can’t keep going with a vibrant, energized spirit.  You must stop and refill your energy tank if you are going to be productive.  It’s difficult to keep going in a joyful manner because you are weary. When you are physically tired you can easily get spiritually drained..   You feel that you don’t have anything else to give. You might say that you are burned out; but, in reality it’s a physical and a spiritual weariness.


The definition of weary is to be drained; to expend the whole by exertion; to exhaust the strength. If your soul had a gauge similar to the gas gauge on your car, what would it read? Would your tank show ‘F’ for full / half full or ‘E’ for empty?  Is your spiritual tank full enough to help the ladies or teen girls that come to you?  Are you taking in properly so that you have something to give them? Many times it is the pastor’s wife that is expected to carry the load and keep the ball rolling. Sometimes there is opposition and even in gratitude among those whom we help.  The calling is 24/7 and with a smile on your face. It’s easy to become disheartened thu s leading to weariness.


A few helpful hints:                              

1. Learn to delegate.  Delegate with instruction; yet with     freedom for the person to be creative.      Remember, they don’t know how you want it done unless you invest in     training them.  The phrase “I’d     rather do it myself so it gets done right,” is unacceptable.  


2. Stay in God’s Word.  Journal verses that combat weariness.

   - I am weary but… (I Cor. 16:10) “…let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord”

   - I am weary but…(I Cor. 16:25) “…great is the Lord”

    - I am weary but...(I Cor. 16:27) “…glory and honour are in his presence”

    -  I am weary but…(I Cor. 16:31) “…the Lord reigneth”


3.  Live with a joyful heart.

Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may endure for a night but, joy cometh in the morning.”  The remedy for weariness is joyfulness.  Remember what you think about you will become.


4.   Remember that you cannot give out what you do not take in and you cannot take in if you do not give out.

Be spiritually fed from God’s Word.  Be in church not just at church.  Make special notes in your Bible that speak to your heart and your need. Be spiritually fed from God’s People.  Engage in fellowship after church because you want to and not because you have to.  Listen to the ladies around you.  You need them and they need you.  Lead the ladies in your church.  You feed them and they feed you. Learn from the ladies in your church.  You learn from them and they learn from you.


5.   Consistently walk with the Lord.

Consistency in walking is the only way for walking to accomplish its purpose in our physical health.  When you walk consistently you will not run out of breath or energy. When you walk consistently in your spiritual walk then you are less likely to runout of breath or energy.  Read your Bible daily.  Journal what you read.  Glean from your own writings for spiritual strength for a later date.  Pray daily.  Using a prayer journal will help you to pray more fervently for the people you love. It will also help your mind to stay in a prayerful state.

6. Consider yourself in spiritual marathon training.

Isaiah 40:31, “they shall run, and not be weary.”  How can someone run a marathon and not be weary? Common sense tells me that a person that can run and not tire out has done some major training!  If you are going to run the spiritual race without becoming weary then you are going to have to train!!  Say to yourself, “I’m a runner in the race.”  I will stay in my lane and do all that the Lord has for me. Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” The promise is we shall reap.  The contingency is if we faint not.

Pastor's Wife, what's due for you? Don't get weary and miss it! In due season you will reap if you don't quit.



Sharon Rabon

Sharon grew up in a Christian home in Midland City, Alabama. She trusted Christ as her Savior and gave her life to serve the Lord in lifetime ministry as a teenager.  Sharon married her high school sweetheart, Tim Rabon, July 27, 1979. In 1981 they were asked to join the staff of Beacon Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. In 1997, her husband became the pastor of that same church. Sharon is director of ladies’ ministries and serves as her husband’s secretary. She is the mom of two sons and one daughter, all of which are married and serve in lifetime ministry. She is known as Nana to 8 Cute Kids!
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